i know, i have seriously been slacking on the ol' craft blog lately.
mostly because crafting has taken an unexpected backseat to...well...life.
2011 has been a ca-raze-ay year so far.
and my days are currently filled with just making it through alive.
wow, that sounded overly dramatic.
it's not all bad, just so busy it's insane!
do you have seasons of life like that?
i feel downright proud of myself if ella gets to school fully clothed and with a backpack.
however, i do have a thing or two to report of a crafty nature...
1. i finished this book.
amazing people, amazing.
check it out from your local library...like now.
i have planned twice monthly dinner parties from now until summer.
i will be reporting after each party with tips, what worked, what didn't work and maybe a freebie or two for your own dinner party!
2. i have been hitting the thrift stores pretty hard and getting great finds lately. i will definitely be sharing fun finds and fabulous makeovers.
3. i am currently in the process of turning our living room from a "college dorm/women's penitentiary/toddler naughty zone" into a fun, cozy and fresh space that i can finally be proud of. i painted two walls 2 weeks ago. stepped back and decided i wasn't being bold enough. last week i bought new paint and will be repainting soon.
4. i am scouring the internet for white tablecloths to cover our "college dorm/women's penitentiary/toddler naughty zone" scuffed table for our forthcoming dinner guests.
5. i am cleaning out my craft room to make way for baby bianca. also getting all of my best scrapbooking items ready to be artfully arranged in a basket and donated to our local women's organization charity auction.
so, my friends, i want to say thank you for reading my blog.
thank you for sticking with me during my recent abandonment of said blog.
thanks for leaving comments that put a smile on my face!
seriously, you rock.

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