
your questions answered -

I have received a number of reader questions lately and decided to answer a few of them here in case others had the same questions:
Question: I love your Playlist music.  I cannot find a place on your page telling who is the artist singing.  Would you please let me know?

Answer: The best way to see what is playing and by whom is to go to the player in my sidebar.  Below the player you will see a grey bar that says "Create Your Own Playlist". Directly to the right of that you will see a second grey bar that is cut off.  Click it.  It opens my playlist in a new window and shows every song and artist.

Question: Where do you get your ideas from?

Answer: Mostly practicality. We are on a limited budget and my crafting time (with three kids) is precious.  I would not make a ruffled headboard tutorial (as cute as they are) because we have a headboard I love.  So, I draw my ideas and tutorials from something that would fill a need...even if that need is simply having fun...it must be something we would enjoy.  So the items I make here are ones I would make anyway, blog or not, and I simply share the finished project and the process with you.

Question: What font do you use for your post titles?

Answer: It's called PeaCammi Pea and I use it because it is eerily similar to my actual handwriting.  I made my own handwriting font once, but the sizing was off. This is so close I decided not to bother.  Download it for FREE by clicking here.

Question: Why do some of your photos say "Emilie Handmade" on the watermark?

Answer: My blog used to be titled Emilie Handmade.  Then I changed it over to Plucky Momo with a new look and new format.  The old blog was too classy for me. When asked to describe myself in one word I always answer kooky. The old blog was not kooky, colorful or full of life. As my best friend Emily and I always say: "Emily is Navy Blue + Pearls and Emilie is Orange + Hoochie Hoop Earrings". This new blog is decidedly more me.

Question: Does your blog name have anything to do with Ducky Momo from Phineas and Ferb?

Answer: Ding! Ding! Ding! ERIN wins a gold star!  This family loves Phineas and Ferb and one of our favorite episodes stars a forgotten childhood character named Ducky Momo. His downfall came when a commemorative plate was misprinted with the phrase, "I Hate People".  Hilarious!

And in case you were wondering, YES, there will be a future post about sewing your own Ducky Momo softie.  I have the plans brewing in my head right now.

Any more questions? Fire away!


  1. My daughter (who does not read) pointed at the page and said "Ducky Momo" when I ran over this picture. Obviously she has the phineus and ferb bug too. Love the creativity in that show.

  2. oh my gosh, I KNEW it! lol I just found your blog the other day and love it. And I immeadiately thought of that episode. It's our favorite one too. My hubby thought I was nuts when I wondered if your name was from there too!

  3. I found your blog while searching for a Ducky Momo crochet amigurumi pattern. A tutorial on a softie would be cool too.
    My 3yo sings ducky momo is myyyy friend all the time. So ofcourse I need to make him one.

  4. I am so happy to not be the only one with a 3 year old that loves Ducky Momo! We watch Phineas and Ferb all the time, I can't wait for the Ducky Momo pattern!!!


If you leave me a comment asking me a specific question I will respond in the comments so be sure to check back!