
Reader Feature

Jami emailed me about taking my Up Close Picture Challenge (as seen here).  Here's what she wrote on her blog.

A while ago I came across this blog... Plucky Momo. I love her style and her tips... Anyways she had this post a while back about getting up close when you take pictures... I have some pictures of L like that but it was never really my objective... Well yesterday L and I were playing on the floor and I decided to give it a go... I took about 20 or so pictures and came out with a few that turned out pretty fun!... Now my 9 month old really wanted to grab the camera and wouldn't just let me snap pictures of his perfect eyes... so needless to say most of mine are a little crazy :D
Jami shared a bunch of her photos. Here is my favorite... 

And because I couldn't help myself I used Photoshop to make it Black and White and up the contrast a bit.

Frame that and call it fine art!

Thanks for sharing, Jami!  I loved your results!


  1. Oh wow ... turning it B&W really brings out the sparkle in his eyes. Gorgeous!

  2. I tried the close-up thing too and I was very impressed with what it did to my pictures of my 8 month-old! He's into diving towards the lens these days, so he helps me out in that way :o)


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