One Month to Win It!


I recently auditioned for the online craft
competition called One Month to Win It.

And I'm in!!!

I love being pushed from my crafty comfort zone and thinking up crafts per a theme.
Head over there now and see who's participating.

Week one begins this coming Monday and I am SO excited!
So get your voting skills all ready to roll!


Jess said...

boo yah! I'm so excited-you'll have a blast. And do awesome I'm sure!

Rachel said...

Oh how fun!! I can't wai tto see what you come up with. It's so fun to follwo these contests as all teh aprticipants always come up with the neatest ideas.


Heather at Dragonfly Designs said...

Yay! I am so freaking excited!!! p.s. LOVE your blog!!!

Auntie Lolo said...

I am excited to participate with you! I love your blog and I'm excited to see your crafts!


Jeanette said...

Love the song Dream. Can you tell who it by? Thanks! Love you blog.