If you've ever waded in the waters of scrapbooking you've probably heard of Ali Edwards. Each year Ali encourages people to decide on a ONE word that will be there theme, goal, motivation for the coming year. After considering a lot of words I knew in my core what my word for 2014 needed to be:
I used to think my greatest struggle in life was my weight. And now I have that somewhat under control. My second greatest struggle has now become my first. Loving hard work.
I hate work. A lot. I would even say I'm straight-up lazy, but only when it comes to something I don't want to do. I can be pretty industrious and hard working when it comes to baking, cooking, crafting, sewing, and other fun pursuits.
I know what you're gunna say, "The reward is the result." The problem is I don't really care about the result. I just want to read and watch TV and craft and let the dishes in the sink go to hell. I don't currently get satisfaction from seeing a clean sink as a job well done.
My friend, Steph, shared some wonderful quotes on Facebook last month...
“Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success.” - David O. McKay
By work we sustain and enrich life. It enables us to survive the disappointments and tragedies of the mortal experience. Hard-earned achievement brings a sense of self-worth. Work builds and refines character, creates beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God. A consecrated life is filled with work, sometimes repetitive, sometimes menial, sometimes unappreciated but always work that improves, orders, sustains, lifts, ministers, aspires.” - Todd D. Christopherson
I believe that hard work is a necessary trait and a way to come closer to God. I believe that in the next life we won't be just floating on clouds, strumming harps. I believe we will be anxiously engaged in a good cause. I believe that I have to come to love work, hard work, if I am going to be truly happy in this life. This is going to be a struggle.
I have signed up for an online class that Ali runs in connection with this challenge in hopes of forcing myself to be more aware of this goal. I need to learn to love work or to work hard even when I don't love what I'm working on. I am hoping this will bleed into all areas of my life.

Oh boy can I relate. Actually I'm probably a step or two behind. I've been too darn lazy to do the hard work to lose the weight but the thing is my knees are beginning to hurt and it's getting in the way of the fun stuff. I admire you greatly for taking such a huge step. I have no doubt that a year of hard work will push you to new heights. I came to visit because I noticed all the great products you have been putting out lately. I'm excited to watch your journey unfold.
Wow - i can relate to this as well - Great word choice for the year. Excited for where our words will take us.
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