Yesterday the girls and I made teacher's gifts and sent them off to school with the girls today. We made personalized etched plates with cookies on them.
It was super easy. The plate was $2.99 at Target. I used Contact Paper (cheaper than vinyl, better than sticker paper) and put it into my Cricut craft cutter. Each of the girls got to pick the font their teacher's name would be in. I have the renegade Cricut software that lets you cut any true-type font. Easy-peesy.
The swirls are part of the font called BERGAMOT ORNAMENTS. I laid the contact paper on the underneath of the plate and had the girls paint on Etching cream. Wait 20 minutes, rinse off...VOILA!
Next up were the cookies. The girls helped me make a batch of Grandma Erekson's Molasses Cookies. They each measured some of the ingredients and dipped the cookie dough balls in the sugar before baking.
Then each girl wrote a note about the steps the took to make this gift for their teacher. I loved seeing their little-girl, kooky, handwriting and I hope their teachers love it too!
We wrapped the plates and cookies in cellophane, tied them with a glittery bow and added the card with the above photos, showing the girls making their gift.
Whew! One more thing checked off the to-do list.
Next up: sewing Christmas pajamas for the kids, making Gingerbread houses, a holiday party, crafts, candy making for our Bishopric, etc, etc, etc....AGGGGGG!

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I really liked your post. Thanks for sharing!
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