Project Life Printable Cards in the shop


I am getting ready to start Project Life in 2012 (a simple scrapbooking method created by Becky Higgins). I designed some great little journaling cards which you can print as often as you like and journal on.

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These cards have a notebook paper look with a highlighted word across the top. Words included in this file are: you, to do, my life, joy, sweet, love, cute, amazing, you said, hilarious, crazy fun, and today.

These cards have squared edges, but can be punched into a rounded edge after printing. Cutting guide lines are included for a perfect trim every time.

These cards fit the new plastic pages in Becky Higgins' Project Life kits.


Lisa said...

These are great. I'm working on my first page for Project Life as I type. I've pinned these and will be sure to buy them soon.

Melissa said...

These are adorable! I'm starting Project Life in 2012 as well and these will be perfect for it!

My Crafty Mama said...

Yay! I just made a facebook fanpage for fellow project lifers to share ideas, layouts and stuff. Please join! Tell others too!!/pages/Project-Lifers/303710426340518