
1Month2WinIt - FINALS - Please VOTE!

I am so excited to have made it through to THE FINAL of 1 Month 2 Win It!
I have had so much fun (and a bit of stress...stupid bobbins)
during this month long process.  I'll be sad to be finished.

This week's theme was to make a project for a Summer Picnic.
Check out this week's crafts...

For more photos and project descriptions click here.

Make sure to vote for your favorite!
Can you guess which one is mine?


  1. i clicked over and was hoping to vote, but there is no voting box...

  2. there's a voting box now. :) LOVED your idea!!! I need one for my little guy!!!

  3. VOTED! : )



If you leave me a comment asking me a specific question I will respond in the comments so be sure to check back!