
freebie: recipe card template

It's been a month or two since I featured the wonderful recipe cards designed by Emily Merritt.  I have been transferring a few recipes over to these cards and realized, after much typing and resizing of text, that the cards weren't working well for me.  Being somewhat of a foodie, my recipes have too much info to fit on the card when the photo is so large.  So, I have made a slight modification to my template (based on Emily's original).  I thought I would share in case some of you had the same problem.

My new template has a smaller square photo in the top corner, leaving room beneath for additional recipe instructions.  This download is a layered Photoshop file.  It also includes cutting guides for easier trimming after printing.  If you don't want the trimming lines and excess space, simply open file and change "Canvas Size" to 4x6 inches.

Download my modified recipe card template here.
The font for Recipe category ifs Fling LET and can be downloaded for free here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your modified recipe card. I'd been wanting to design something like this and here you've already done all the work! Thanks also for sharing your font info and link. You've helped me out greatly!


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